National Ritual Celebration Week!

Day 3:

For the third day of celebrating National Ritual Celebration Week, I wrote a word on how we can live our ritual through the use of social media!

We’ve all been yelled at for being on Facebook during class, or checking our Instagrams at the dinner table. Get off the internet and enjoy the physical world, nothing good can come from our social media outlets right? I don’t believe this at all. As the Director of Social Media for Gamma Zeta, I am inspired and amazed every day with what can be achieved through the internet and social media. When you need funds raised for an organization, attendees to a motivational lecture, or just some wise words to brighten your day, in a few clicks of a button your message can be sent to hundreds, even thousands of people. We gain so much through connecting with local Greek chapters and DG chapters nationwide. We live our ritual in every word we post and every email we send.  The ideas that spread virally through the internet can bring changes that lead to movements. While there are plenty of negative things that can be amplified through social media, I challenge you to ignore the bad and engage with the positive. Go watch a TED talk, search through the #FaithInHumanity hashtag on Instagram, create a Pinterest board of “Small ways to brighten someone’s day”. Live your ritual and spread your ritual in every link you share because when you are part of something bigger than yourself, there’s no shame in letting others, even strangers, know how it has affected you in such an amazing way. When taken advantage of, social media can be the most inspiring, humbling, productive and motivating tool available to us in the modern day, and I believe that is something to be celebrated. 


Director of Social Media, Macy Andre

Day 2:

To continue our celebration of National Ritual Celebration Week we share with you the words of Delta Gamma Fraternity's Vice President of Communications Cori Gilbert Wallace!

Day 1:  

To kick off National Ritual Celebration Week in Gamma Zeta, here's a word from our Director of Rituals, Alec Hymel!

We all know humans are wired for listening to stories. My favor of you is to make your story of your time as an active Greek worth listening to. I come from a family of Greeks: cousin a Pi Phi, grandmother and another cousin are Tri Deltas, several DZ aunts and cousins, a brother and cousin in Sig Ep, and they are among many relatives in different Greek organizations. However, as I look at how they live their rituals, it's not about their individual ritual but rather the Greek ritual as a whole. Doing right by people because you are a part of something so much bigger than yourself. Your ritual is your story. My mom was initiated into Delta Gamma over 30 years ago (sorry mom for partially revealing your age) and she's stayed connected to her sisters from when she was in the chapter all these years later. The Ritual we celebrate as a Greek community is so much more than formal chapter meetings or initiations, it's the friendships you form and the friends your daughter makes with your friends’ daughters 30 years later. It's Doing Good, the most important aspect of our Ritual. It's Believing in Hope. I believe it's there in the darkest days more than anything. It's finding strength in those you know because the people you surround yourself with are the ones who support you and want you to always keep moving forward. It's celebrating life because no ritual can be celebrated, lived, or passed down without those who take life and live it. I hope in whatever way you celebrate your ritual you find meaning to keep living it throughout your life, and to not be afraid to change your ritual if it means you can do more good. On behalf of the Gamma Zeta Chapter of Delta Gamma I wish you a Happy National Ritual Celebration Week!
Director of Rituals, Alec Hymel