My Advice to Freshmen 2018-2019

Why I Anchored Wednesday

Did you ever have that feeling when you were younger where you never wanted to leave your friend’s house during a sleepover because you thought it was the coolest place on earth and you never wanted to go home? Well, when I went through recruitment 3 years ago I had no idea that DG would be my dream sleepover destination that my 8 year old self dreamed of.

Coming into college, I wanted to be courageous enough to try new experiences, but I was not positive “sorority life” was included in my future plans. I had just spent the past 4 years of my life at an all-girls school (Go Stickers!!) and the past 6 years traveling 24/7 playing competitive volleyball.  I had NO idea what exactly I was looking for when I came to LSU.

It’s hard to really fall in love with a house after only spending 5 hours total throughout the whole week during the speed dating event that is Recruitment. I may have dropped my anchor on bid day, but it’s the experiences and the people I have encountered over the past 3 years that keep my anchor put! My love isn’t for the Delta Gamma house; it’s for the Delta Gamma people. Never in my life have I had so many talented, spirited superwomen that I look up to and who influence me to be a better individual. BUT the biggest thing is all 320 of them remind me how much fun life is every single day. Delta Gamma has helped me grow so much in the past few years more than I did when I was a child (That’s saying A LOT since I was a tall giant beast.) No other place has pushed me to discover the endless possibilities I can overcome and achieve. I am convinced the endless laughter, support, and opportunities this place has provided for me truly shows that this is the exact place I am supposed to be. With a multitude of different personalities, interests, and hobbies, there is never a dull moment or story that unfolds within the walls of this house.

Delta Gamma is the sleepover place that I will be devastated to leave in a year. Especially when your roommate is your best friend, it truly is the ultimate dream of any 8 year old. I just hope that every girl has the opportunity to encounter the Delta Gamma experience just like I did.


- Morgan Bell, senior

Why I Anchored Wednesday

Initially, I had no idea if I wanted to go through recruitment. I knew LSU was going to be a huge school, but I also knew I wanted to transform a very large community into a smaller, close-knit one where the people shared similar values as me. When looking into sorority recruitment, I thought to myself: "Go for it, why not?!"

My mom wasn't in a sorority, so I did not feel outside pressure to join one specific sorority over another. However, I knew after philanthropy round, I wanted Delta Gamma to become that small community within LSU for me. The girls valued hands-on service, and were extremely passionate when discussing Delta Gamma's philanthropy. I never felt more comfortable going into a sorority house during recruitment as I did with DG. I could immediately tell the girls were genuine, and that's exactly the type of community I wanted to be a part of.

Looking back now, joining Delta Gamma is one of the best decisions I have ever made. DG has not only given me some of my lifelong best friends, as well as some of the best and funniest memories, but it has also become my home away from home.

- MK Loos, Junior

Why I Anchored Wednesday

When going through recruitment, I was SO nervous. I remember going to two houses before going to DG and I was still nervous, but as soon as I walked into DG all my nerves went away. I loved the conversations I had with the girls there. They were so easy going and everything flowed nicely. It was never awkward.

It was during Sisterhood round that I realized DG was the place for me. Through our conversations, I could tell all the girls were so genuine, nice and actually cared about what I had to say. It was in these short 45 minutes that I knew I would find my true friends here and make memories that would last a lifetime.

Now here I am going into my sophomore year, and I can fully say that going DG was the best decision I have ever made and that I have found my friends that will last forever!


-- Elisabeth Sutton, sophomore

Why I Anchored Wednesday

Before going through recruitment I can remember investigating (aka stalking) every chapters' social media and websites. I read all of the advice columns and blog posts about going through recruitment, and everyone said the same thing, "Our sisterhood is the best. Our Chapter feels like home to me. I have made life long friends through my sorority." I remember thinking, "Wow! This is going to be so hard if everyone has the best sisterhood," but during Philanthropy round Delta Gamma stood heads above the rest. All of the other houses were great, but DG was something more. As I sat and talked to Rebecca, I had an overwhelming sense of calmness take over. It's so cliche' but I felt like I was "home." Rebecca said it best when she told me, "Delta Gamma in one word is genuine." This could not be more true! DG is genuine in our sisterhood,  genuine in our philanthropy, and we genuinely care about one another. This is when I knew Delta Gamma was the place for me.

Coming from North Louisiana, one of my concerns was not knowing many girls in DG. Preference night came, and Remy, a girl from my home town [spoiler alert: she also became my big],  told me she loved being in DG because it gave her a chance to branch out and make friends with girls from different places while still having hometown friends in other sororities. Right after that party I knew Delta Gamma was the only place for me and ranked my preferences that way.

After the call period came on Bid Day, I knew I was officially pledged to Delta Gamma. I was so happy I cried in the Miller elevator with random girls! Joining Delta Gamma has been the best decision I have made in college. It has brought me even more joy and excitement to my college experience. As I learn more about DG and face the ups and downs of college, I can not imagine my life without my Delta Gamma sisters.


- Ally Waldrop, sophomore